Monday, December 1, 2008

On another note...

On another note, I have received my Balenciaga bag. And it is fabulous. Although it is not the colour that I want it to be.

At least he's not shallow...

I am a bitch and a half. I really am. I stalked Fat Nerd on facebook and the more I stalk, the more "Oh my..." moments I have. And in all honesty, I seriously think that Ugly Munter is a nice girl, I'm sure she is. But seriously, why does the girl give me so much ammunition?

So Fat Nerd says that he has one more day to recuperate from surgery before going back to work. And what did Ugly Munter say? This is the thread that follows that status update:

UM: Does that mean I get to do your dressing tomorrow??
FN: No, having the nurses do them tomorrow after I get off work. This weekend I was thinking you could do them, though...
UM: Cool - will have to get out my little nurses outfit :-p
FN: I liiiiiiike the sound of that...!

One word comes to mind - CLASSY. I mean, what decent girl would even contemplate putting that on facebook for all to see?? Hell, send it in your private inbox and have all the dirty, cheeky banter you want. But to flaunt that for the world to see.... TACKY. Well, I maintain that they deserve each other.

More on the Daniel front. I think it is interesting that the person who puts up pictures of him and his girlfriend is NOT in fact him OR his girlfriend. Judging from the surname, it is someone who is related to the girlfriend. Sorry, but I would be completely weirded out if I had my boyfriend's brother or sister tag along to all our outings. And what is more interesting is that in the albums, you NEVER see the photographer. Only picutres of the GF and Daniel. FREAK.

Another thing on that. When I first saw Daniel's girlfriend, I thought she was cute. You know, at least she wasn't an ugly munter so it wasn't such a slap in the face. HOWEVER, the latest pictures are just "Oh my..." pictures. He doesn't even look good. He has had a haircut and dare I say it.. is FAT. IS THAT WHAT "COMFORTABLE" and "CONTENT" LOOKS LIKE DANIEL??? Hahaha... let's just say, I am smug.

Speaking of smug. These are the two most smug couples I have ever met. I mean hello, people who announce on facebook that they are in a relationship have got to be smug. But the people who just have the dirty, cheeky banter (not mentioning names, but yes, it's you Ugly Munter and Fat Nerd) on facebook are just plain weird and think they have a reason to show off. Well, I'm sorry, but you don't. Clearly you have never had a meaningful relationship and/or this is your first real relationship and that is why you feel the need to actually announce on facebook of your fantastic new relationship. But you know, it's people like you that amuse me. Thank you! I mean I have been going out with Luke for what feels like ages, and I have still not upated my facebook relationship status. Nor am I going to.

But all in all, I have to say this: I'm glad there are the fat nerds, the ugly munters, and the Daniels in the world. It makes me feel better about myself and know that I live in a world that at least SOME people aren't shallow. :)