Monday, December 1, 2008

On another note...

On another note, I have received my Balenciaga bag. And it is fabulous. Although it is not the colour that I want it to be.

At least he's not shallow...

I am a bitch and a half. I really am. I stalked Fat Nerd on facebook and the more I stalk, the more "Oh my..." moments I have. And in all honesty, I seriously think that Ugly Munter is a nice girl, I'm sure she is. But seriously, why does the girl give me so much ammunition?

So Fat Nerd says that he has one more day to recuperate from surgery before going back to work. And what did Ugly Munter say? This is the thread that follows that status update:

UM: Does that mean I get to do your dressing tomorrow??
FN: No, having the nurses do them tomorrow after I get off work. This weekend I was thinking you could do them, though...
UM: Cool - will have to get out my little nurses outfit :-p
FN: I liiiiiiike the sound of that...!

One word comes to mind - CLASSY. I mean, what decent girl would even contemplate putting that on facebook for all to see?? Hell, send it in your private inbox and have all the dirty, cheeky banter you want. But to flaunt that for the world to see.... TACKY. Well, I maintain that they deserve each other.

More on the Daniel front. I think it is interesting that the person who puts up pictures of him and his girlfriend is NOT in fact him OR his girlfriend. Judging from the surname, it is someone who is related to the girlfriend. Sorry, but I would be completely weirded out if I had my boyfriend's brother or sister tag along to all our outings. And what is more interesting is that in the albums, you NEVER see the photographer. Only picutres of the GF and Daniel. FREAK.

Another thing on that. When I first saw Daniel's girlfriend, I thought she was cute. You know, at least she wasn't an ugly munter so it wasn't such a slap in the face. HOWEVER, the latest pictures are just "Oh my..." pictures. He doesn't even look good. He has had a haircut and dare I say it.. is FAT. IS THAT WHAT "COMFORTABLE" and "CONTENT" LOOKS LIKE DANIEL??? Hahaha... let's just say, I am smug.

Speaking of smug. These are the two most smug couples I have ever met. I mean hello, people who announce on facebook that they are in a relationship have got to be smug. But the people who just have the dirty, cheeky banter (not mentioning names, but yes, it's you Ugly Munter and Fat Nerd) on facebook are just plain weird and think they have a reason to show off. Well, I'm sorry, but you don't. Clearly you have never had a meaningful relationship and/or this is your first real relationship and that is why you feel the need to actually announce on facebook of your fantastic new relationship. But you know, it's people like you that amuse me. Thank you! I mean I have been going out with Luke for what feels like ages, and I have still not upated my facebook relationship status. Nor am I going to.

But all in all, I have to say this: I'm glad there are the fat nerds, the ugly munters, and the Daniels in the world. It makes me feel better about myself and know that I live in a world that at least SOME people aren't shallow. :)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Movie inspiration

Loving this dress right now. Will be actively looking for a pattern to sew it on and it will premier at the Sex and the City movie. Yes it will. The girls and are are planning on glamming it up - heading to the movie Sex and the City style - Gold Class, dresses and heels... glam glam glam all the way!

This dress will of course be in black and it will be pretty. I promise. I just have to work hard to fit in it.

Speaking of movies, also watched What Happens in Vegas and it was good. The last bit of the movie dragged a little, but I was more concerned with Cameron Diaz' wadrobe in there. It was absolutely fabulous and I had to share it below.

I think there is something that needs to be said about blondes with long limbs. They look good in everything. Case and point: Cameron Diaz. I seriously do not believe that I could pull off the looks that she has in that movie. Although everything that she wore is something that I WANT TO!!!

Even her preppy look at the retreat she went to was fabulous - how did she get her scarf to sit like that? and more importantly, I'm digging that messy look. And while the old Ness would say "I could never pull off that look without looking like a crazy person" Chloe disagrees. I'm definitely giving that a go. Preppy look:


Thursday, May 15, 2008

There's something...

There's something about this picture has just managed to take my breath away.
There's something about exercise that just makes your days worry go away.
There's something about lazy winter nights, just hanging out with your best friend and having soup and garlic bread.
There's something in being comfortable in your own skin.
There's something about the thrill of the game.
There's something in knowing that there is no one like you on this planet.
There's something in knowing that no matter what you do, you're not going to please everyone, so you only need to please yourself.
There's something about just being able to be.
There's something about knowing that there's something else out there for me.
There's something about knowing that he is in a better place.
There's something about being alone.
There's something about falling in love.
There's something about picking up the pieces after heartbreak and knowing that you're going to be ok.
There's something about a good night's sleep.
There's something about knowing that things are going to get better.
There's something to knowing that you are fabulous. And glamorously so.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Getting attached...

Getting attached? WTF. In this world of non-exclusive dating, the best thing is not to get attached. And even if you were dating exclusively, it might be a good idea not to get attached anyway. Why? Because the bastard is likely to cheat on you.
See, Sex and the City is right. Have sex like a man, but I'm going to take it one step further. Go into a relationship like a man. Don't call, don't text. Don't do anything. And why should you? You are fabulous and any man is lucky to have you.
Mind you, there is a difference in being fabulous and high maintenance. A BIG difference, and never EVER confuse the two. Being fabulous is knowing that you are and putting yourself first. Loving yourself so that others will too. Being high maintenance is the attitude of a whiny 8 year-old who needs constant attention. That is NOT what a fabulous girl is.
Ness wants to call Daniel or text him. Chloe says, text on his birthday. That is it. Call when you're drunk and you want something. Other than that, don't pine, don't whine. That is the new mantra.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Shut up you stupid bitch

Ugh, Bianca from Big Brother just shits me. I shouldn't even be watching Big Brother in the first place, but it is my one (of many) guilty pleasure! Haha...
I seriously don't understand why I even watch Big Brother. Especially this year. They are all so annoying and whiny. More importantly, Bianca and Terri shit me. Terri is just a whinging, annoying old hag and Bianca on the opposite end of the spectrum is a whinging, annoying 18-year-old who thinks she is too intelligent for the rest of the house.
I have respect for intelligent people but definitely not for people who SAY and THINK that they are more intelligent than anyone else.
Bianca, you say that you dislike bimbos, but here's a news flash: WALKING AROUND IN A TOP THAT CAN BARELY CONTAIN YOUR BREASTS MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE ONE TOO. There, I have said my peace. And btw, wearing glasses does not make you look intelligent. Loser.
End rant.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Scarf ok?

LOVING this look. And totally something that I could wear and will wear tomorrow. On a mission to look for a similar looking scarf. Although I think I might need something brighter seeing as my top will be my usual black!
FABULOUS, Miss Conrad. Just fabulous. Will be updating on more looks that I'm going for throughout the day.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


He dumped me? I don't think so. Stop being so pathetic and whiny - you were way too good for him and on another level he knew it.

Hello, let me list why you are more fabulous than he is:

a) he still lives with his parents. I mean, what 27 year old still lives with his parents? Certainly not any boys I know.

b) he plays online games - you gotta know that there is something wrong with people who play oline computer TEAM games. Loser. Hate the computer nerds.

c) works in IT. 'Nuff said.

d) never had a relationship before. WTF. Probably a virgin too.

e) Doesn't seem to have any friends.

Honey, I was way too good for you. And you knew it too.

Day 1 of being fabulous

Yes. My alter ego. I think I shall name myself Chloe. That's a fabulous name.
That is what I'm going to do. I'm going to be fabulous. I'm going to be glamourous, and more importantly, I'm going to be a bitch. Because being nice does not pay off at all. Seriously.
So this blog is dedicated to all the fabulous ladies out there. With fabulous shoes and fabulous bags. More importantly, we're not going to take shit from no one.