Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Getting attached...

Getting attached? WTF. In this world of non-exclusive dating, the best thing is not to get attached. And even if you were dating exclusively, it might be a good idea not to get attached anyway. Why? Because the bastard is likely to cheat on you.
See, Sex and the City is right. Have sex like a man, but I'm going to take it one step further. Go into a relationship like a man. Don't call, don't text. Don't do anything. And why should you? You are fabulous and any man is lucky to have you.
Mind you, there is a difference in being fabulous and high maintenance. A BIG difference, and never EVER confuse the two. Being fabulous is knowing that you are and putting yourself first. Loving yourself so that others will too. Being high maintenance is the attitude of a whiny 8 year-old who needs constant attention. That is NOT what a fabulous girl is.
Ness wants to call Daniel or text him. Chloe says, text on his birthday. That is it. Call when you're drunk and you want something. Other than that, don't pine, don't whine. That is the new mantra.

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